Thursday, December 6, 2012

The 30 Day Post-It Challenge

So, what to people who draw (or do any creative thing) for a living do in their free time? They create more stuff. Just like athletes have to constantly train to play harder and better, artists constantly create to sharpen their minds, try out new ideas, or just get rid of bad ones. During the month of November, I participated in the 30 day Post-It Sketch challenge. It was a lot of fun, I think I grew some over the month, and it was great getting daily feedback from friends and family on instagram and facebook. As you can see, I didn't quite make it to 30, that's because I got a little behind and a new daily project needed my attention for the month of December. More on that in a minute though, for now, here's my 25 Post-It sketches.
 December is busy with the holidays, commissions, and more work...and the girls. To re-start the Daily Life series as Life With Girls, I'm doing some journal-style comics in a small, 30(ish) page sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project. The girls are really excited about Christmas, making things and seeing people, and we'd like to record some of that and share it with our friends.
Until next time, take care and be good.
Your friend,

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