So I'm offering a few art projects for the
Fusion Arty Parties. When working through what and how I wanted to do, it made me think back on lots of crafting memories. My mom has always been crafty, so it's kinda "in me" i guess. The only problem was that she really couldn't teach me any of her crafts 'cause we butted heads too much. Sorry about that, mom, but if you're reading this know that you were my first (and continuing) influence.

If you've ever been to my house and used the restroom you've seen one of my earliest attempts at cross-stitching. It's a little bear holding a bunch of balloons that says 'love lifted me.' It's horrible. Seriously. I can't even begin to tell you how many things are wrong with it, starting with the fact that there are no strings on the balloons, so he's not even attached to them. But I don't care about all of that. I was in 4th grade and I was so proud of it. Hence, it has lived in every bathroom since I moved out of my parents' house.
We did a lot of crafts in Girl Scouts, which I was a part of from kindergarten until twelfth grade. I had some awesome troop leaders (again, if you're reading, know that your influence is appreciated, as well) and got to learn some neat stuff and experiment with lots of different media. I remember making turkey table ornaments for senior citizen homes, organic face masks (I can't believe I put oatmeal on my face!), and my favorite of all time...the latrine buddy. We did a lot of camping, so we used a bath towel to make an apron that had pockets for all of our bath items. I loved making it and using it. Man, now I'm wishing that I still had it.

Another vivid picture that came to my mind revolves around the year my school began a student council. Stupidly I decided to run for class president, ignoring the fact that I was literally a pariah. Anyway, bright posters with puffy paint were appearing all over the school. I don't remember if I wanted to be different or that my parents were already poor from hockey so i didn't want to ask them to buy me supplies, but I found a piece of burlap and proceeded to stitch out "Vote for Amy, She's not Lame-y" or some such stupidness. I remember stitching a border of some kind and probably a few flowers; in the end I must say that I was pretty darn proud of it. I recall excitedly posting it on the bulletin board, while at the same time beginning to hear the negative comments. Those were generally hard times, but I do remember sitting in class and looking up at that sign. I knew I didn't have a chance of being elected, but I was really proud of it, and I guess I still am.

So anyway, I have decided to offer tie dying t-shirts and a minimal-sew felt jewelry roll (pictured here). Jeffrey is offering a Japanese-style hand-bound journal. There are lots of other options offered by other Fusion artists, too. Can't wait to do the first party! If you are looking for a cool artsy experience for a birthday party or such, check it out!
Till next time,
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