Toys, toys, toys... I was thinking the other day that our lives have revolved around kids and making sure that there were plenty of (quality) toys to play with for a long time. I think the house will seem just a little bit empty when the girls outgrow their toys. Of course, we have a few friends who are young enough that don't have kids yet, and a few friends with kids that are old enough, that a new batch of kids will be along to play before too long.
I try to make time regularly to sit and draw, cut paper, paint or glue stuff with Abby. Sometimes it goes really well, and sometimes...well, lets just say that a nearly two-year-old, and a nearly one-year-old don't always mix well with arts and crafts time. At any rate, these sessions often evolve into something more than I intended, depending on Abby's interest in what I'm doing, and she was very interested in the drawings that she named "mommy and daddy", so we cut them out and mounted them on sticks.
The imaginative play that comes out of simple things like this is incredible.

On a more recent trip into cut paper puppet land, I got a little more involved, and actually used scrap-booking paper to make some pretty rad clothes for him. This one was a little wider, so that makes him a little more unwieldy, but I actually had popsicle sticks this time, instead of bamboo skewers like I've used in the past. On another note, I think the last ones were a little more successful because the pose was a bit more neutral.

We have fun making stuff together, and it's always great to see her sitting in the sun at the table, working busily on whatever.
Finally, a little bonus picture...It's funny to me that the one picture I took that day where I wasn't trying to get her to look at me Abby decides to be herself, and photo-bomb her sister.

Until next time...Take care and be good!
Love it!